I (along with the rest of DPrime Research) will be taking the Mobile Bioenergy Lab to ISEA 2015, August 14-19 in Vancouver. We will be running a workshop on constructing microbial fuel cells and exhibiting/performing with the MBL in Charleson Park on False Creek, as part of the Oscillations exhibition.
I recently presented at the IMAC/Re-new Festival of Digital Art in Copenhagen, Denmark. I presented the DPrime Research project Biopoiesis and discussed its larger cybernetic context, which fit very nicely with the conference theme: “Cybernetics revisited – towards a third order?”
More photos from Biopoiesis at the SIGGRAPH 2012 Art Gallery
Biopoiesis was demoed at this year’s Vancouver Maker Faire: http://dprime.org/2012/06/25/biopoiesis-at-maker-faire/
Proof-of-Process, Gallery Gachet, Vancouver. More photos here.
Dear friends and colleagues, please join us for Proof-of-Process at Gallery Gachet in Vancouver, June 5-10. We are turning Gallery Gachet into a laboratory for: experimentation, workshops and prototyping of science and technology-based artworks. Sign up for workshops and prototyping sessions or simply drop in to view the work as it unfolds! What: Proof-of-Process is […]